Friday 23 January 2015

The Difference: Tankless Water Heaters and Their advantages
The Difference: Tankless Water Heaters and Their advantages
Technological advancements have ensured that all household appliances are becoming more efficient and productive. This is also true in the case of home furnaces. Gone are the days of boilers that eradicated unexpectedly or took a huge toll on the power bills. Modern high efficiency furnaces offer the best performance with minimum problems. We provide the best high efficiency furnace Calgary and here is a look at some of the benefits of installing our furnaces.

1. The biggest advantage with our furnaces is the introduction of electronic ignition technology. It is designed to remove the pilot light, which is an inconvenient feature in standard furnaces. This saves a lot of money for homeowners because the electronic ignition is only activated when the furnace is working, unlike the pilot light that needs to be switched on at all times. This leads to major fuel wastage in conventional furnaces.

2. Thermal efficiency is also highly increased with high efficiency furnaces. This is because of the use of an automatic vent damper that acts as a valve for the fuel pipe. It regulates the amount of fuel that should be used and hence result in lower consumption. The technology is known as pulse combustion and is a big reason for the effectiveness of modern furnaces.

3. These modern gas furnaces also control the flow of air through them. It is regulated and induced in manner that makes the entire process more effective. Not only does this result in a more efficient furnace, but it is also a much safer alternative.

4. Money savings for the customer are much better with high efficiency furnaces. In fact, the energy savings easily offsets the cost of installation in just a few years time. You will also feel much more comfortable in your home as these furnaces are perfect for temperature regulation on an automatic basis.

5. In this age of energy conservation and nature preservation, it is very important that all of us do our bit to reduce our carbon footprint. These high efficiency furnaces help you to contribute to the cause of preserving our fragile ecology.

As you can see, there are numerous benefits for installing high efficiency furnaces. Feel free to contact us for any queries regarding installation or performance. We are one of the best companies in Calgary for prime efficiency furnaces. Our products and services will ensure that you will have the greatest pleasure in doing business with us.

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